Sunday, January 10, 2010

McKenna at the Psychedelic Salon

I've been grooving to a lot of Terence McKenna's talks lately, graciously provided by the Psychedelic Salon podcast. While I have some problems with McKenna's books, he really hits his stride in these lectures where the depth/breadth of his knowledge becomes apparent. (And I should add that there really is a whole mushroon load of McKenna there!) The archive also has audio files from other mind-benders, such as Timothy Leary, Robert Anton Wilson and Erik Davis.

Subscribing via iTunes is the easiest method to get the whole catalogue, although there are a number of subscription options. You can also get show notes from the website.

I've been listening to this podcast for a few years and each one is a real treat. Mutate now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Old Doctor says the man was and is and shall be a saint. Great to know that this stuff is out there.